Meet Patrick: MAN v FAT Hastings coach

Man v Fat Hastings

We’ve been lucky enough to sit down with local legend, Patrick! Not only is he able to tell us how it feels to be a MAN v FAT participant, he’s now Coach of our very own Hastings League!

How did you first hear about the Football Leagues?

Watching Food Unwrapped on channel 4, they did a piece on Man V Fat Football. Then saw another one on the One Show.

What made you sign up?

I wanted to lose weight but kept putting it off, then saw that it was free for the first season so thought “what have I got to lose!”

What advice would you give to Gents considering starting?

Do it! It’s a good laugh and a good way of making you keep on top of the weight loss as you get bonus goals for your team just for losing weight!

How much weight have you lost?

I started in February 2019 at 199.8kg and by the end of my second season (28 weeks in total) I weigh 149.8kg. So lost 50kg in that time. Since then I’ve dropped down to 140kg.

Did you do any exercise or follow a diet alongside Man V Fat?

The first 14 week season, I did Man V Fat and completely changed my diet. Then once I’d lost a lot of weight and slowly started to get a little fitter, I had the confidence to start going to the gym. Which then meant I got even fitter!

Now I mountain bike, swim or gym most days and I love it!

Taking part in Man V Fat has helped so much with my self confidence as well as the weight lost. And I’m now Coach of my own league,  I can focus on trying to help others lose weight and enjoy Football.

We really are amazed with Patrick’s story, he has managed to accomplish long term behavioural change alongside his weightloss and our MAN v FAT program. Would you like help in achieving weight loss results?

We provide a FREE 14 week season to Residents of East Sussex.

Registration involves placing a £10 deposit that players get back having attended 10 out of 14 weeks in their first season but for the rest of January the sign up is only £1 deposit!!


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