Peter tells us how he went smoke free!

Pete is smokefree this Stoptober, are you?
Alina quit smoking and feels so much better

Find out the health benefits Alina found when she quit smoking!
Damien stopped smoking for FREE

Want to stop smoking FOR FREE?? Call us!
ITV News: It’s Not Too Late to Stop

ITV News shares Oneyou East Sussex story
Your First Stop Smoking Appointment

Stopping smoking doesn’t need to be scary, have a look at what to expect on your first appointment.
Can you stop the progression of COPD?

Have you heard of the disease COPD? What this actually stands for is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. This is the term for a group of conditions which include bronchitis and emphysema and are commonly characterised by the narrowing of the airways in the lungs (see picture below). The narrowing of the airways makes it more difficult […]